Spring 2005

April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4
Ryan Wyatt ( )

Last updated: 6 November 2009

These notes originated in a course I taught at the American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium from 2002 through 2005. My web page there has long since disappeared into the ether(net), so I’m replicating my course outline here as a sort of misguided public service.

Sir Isaac Newton once wrote, “If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” Scientists throughout history have extended the knowledge of their predecessors by tiny increments or by leaps and bounds. From the ancient Greeks to Einstein’s peers, we will trace the paths of paradigm shifts that led to the fundamental ideas of physics. Join us as we climb up on the shoulders of revolutionaries!

This isn’t quite the final version of the web page, but it adds a significant bit to what had been here earlier. First off, take a look at a short bibliography, which will receive more attention as soon as the rest of this page is done. Also, I wanted to direct your attention to a couple science timelines that I like: a fairly exhaustive one as well as a more terse, but easy-to-read synopsis that focuses more on physics and astronomy.

I. What is a “scientific revolution”?

    1. In an important sense, there has been only one scientific revolution, the Scientific Revolution:
    2. However, the ideas we consider “revolutionary“ occur much more frequently
    3. Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)
    4. Also, revolutions have social as well as scientific dimensions:
    5. This course will tackle the idea of revolutions from a social and scientific perspective. Along the way...

    II. Observation and Theory in the Ancient World

    1. What do we see in the sky?
    2. Sumerians (3000 B.C.) and Babylonians (1700 B.C. and on)
    3. Greek philosophers emphasize theoretical speculations over observations
    4. Thales (624 - 547 B.C.) predicts a solar eclipse
    5. Pythagoras (569 - 475 B.C.) and his followers introduce a bit of mathematical mysticism into the works
    6. Anaxagoras (499 - 427 B.C.) postulates that lunar eclipses are caused by Earth casting a shadow on the Moon
    7. Plato (427 BC - 347 B.C.) calls for mathematical exploration of the heavens
    8. Plato’s student Eudoxus (408 - 355 B.C.) refines the mathematics
    9. Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.) develops unified set of laws that describe the behavior of the Universe
    10. Eratosthenes (276 - 194 B.C.) calculates the size of the Earth
    11. Aristarchus (310 - 230 B.C.) proposes a Sun-centered system
    12. Hipparchus (190 - 120 B.C.)
    13. From the Third Century B.C. to the Fourth Century A.D., Alexandria remains the center for science research
    14. Claudius Ptolemy (A.D. 85 - 185) systematizes mathematical astronomy

    III. From Ptolemy to Copernicus

    1. What about the Romans?
    2. Islam, on the other hand, inherited regions conquered by Alexander, thus an area already Hellenized in population and culture
    3. So what about Medieval Europe?

    IV. From Copernicus to Newton

    1. Tycho Brahe (A.D. 1546 - 1601) provides accurate and extensive observations for future astronomers
    2. Johannes Kepler (A.D. 1571 - 1630) extends Copernican ideas
    3. Galileo Galilei

    V. From Newton to Maxwell

    1. Isaac Newton gathers numerous threads into a coherent picture
    2. What’s So Funny about Phlogiston?
      Phlogiston Theory was popular in the 17th and 18th Century as a way to describe why things burned But this hints at a fundamental question: What are the inherent properties of matter?
    3. Who Discovered Oxygen?
      Candidate Number One: Joseph Priestley Candidate Number Two: François Lavoisier In 1775, Priestley isolates “dephlogisticated” air
      Also in 1775, Lavoisier isolates “air itself entire”
      But from 1777 onward, he sees oxygen as atomic “principle of acidity” which formed a gas when united with “caloric” heat
      Thomas Kuhn points out that “the principle of acidity was not banished from chemistry until after 1810, and the caloric lingered until the 1860s. Oxygen had become a standard chemical substance before either of those dates.”
    4. Conservation of Matter
      “Nothing is created, either in the operations of art or in those of nature, and it may be considered as a general principle that in every operation there exists an equal quantity of matter before and after the operation; that the quality and quantity of the constituents is the same, and that what happens is only changes, modifications. It is on this principle that is founded all the art of performing chemical experiments; in all such must be assumed a true equality or equation between constituents of the substances examined, and those resulting from their analysis.” — Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1785)
    5. Electricity and Magnetism
    6. All (Max)well and Good: Light as an Electro-magnetic Phenomenon
    7. Setting the Stage for You-Know-Who
    8. Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts

    VI. From Maxwell to Einstein

    1. Einstein on “Empty Space”
      “I wished to show that space-time is not necessarily something to which one can ascribe a separate existence, independently of the actual objects of physical reality. Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept ’empty space’ loses its meaning.”
      — Albert Einstein, “Note to the Fifteenth Edition” of Relativity: The Special and General Theory (1952)
    2. Evidence for General Relativity
    3. Ideas of Space